AIV - Via


  • Animalnutrition

Product description

<b>Premixture of silage additives</b></br>AIV<sup>®</sup> Via is a premixture of silage additives for several feed ensiling purposes where risks are related to porosity of ensiled material as well as moisture range favoring molds. AIV Via is based on formic acid, as are other products in the AIV family. A special feature of AIV Via is its high propionic acid content, which is especially useful in controlling molds. Compared to propionic acid alone, AIV Via lowers the pH of the feed more strongly, which enhances the preservative effect of propionic acid. An appropriate amount of sodium formate reduces corrosivity towards metals.</br></br><b>Premixture for animal nutrition</b></br>Wide range of spoiling microbes are present in total mixed ration, including bacteria, yeasts and molds. AIV® Via can be used to effectively delay their growth and thus protect the feeding value of the ration.

Product availability

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Product information